This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you for some reason shut down the game, in order to run the card again in multiplayer, you need:ġ) Delete all files from the Media folder (not from the archive!)ģ) Minimize the game and open the folder with the files gamesĤ) Put the card in the folder Media (it’s in the folder, not the archive!)ĥ) Open the collapsed game, and click “Continue the game …”Īlso, this method is suitable for installing other modifications to play in multiplayer.
Otherwise, it will be written that the game files are different from the original ones. In order to launch a custom map in multiplayer you need:ġ) Download and upload the file Config.xml to the folder with the game or register a line in itģ) Collapse the game and open the folder with the game filesĤ) We drop the card into the folder Media (it’s in the folder, not the archive!) If there is no folder, then create it.ĥ) Open the collapsed game and select the card! If you try to play multiplayer on third-party maps, the game writes “the game files are different from the original ones”, then this material is for you.